About Maria

I'm Swedish living in Switzerland since many years.

I love to travel and explore places! When I was younger and in my teens I lived / spent a lot of time in Saudi-Arabia. I know that the years spent there gave me the curiosity about the world and I knew from an early age that I wanted to live abroad.

In my daily life I do yoga and meditation, a few times a week I train Martial Arts and combat workout - I love the combination of these kinds of trainings! I also like to involve my kids in my training and they love it. We have so much fun together! One other thing that is important to me is that I take 5-15 min each day just to do nothing. It's so much unnecessary stress around and for me this is needed. (even though I meditate!) Remember to take care of yourself!

Contact Me

Maria Blom Miglis

call me(+41) 78 665 3998
mail meThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bühlstrasse 12

8707 Uetikon am See
Zürich, Schweiz

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